duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

Phone call

Hi mom, I’m coming home,

I ain’t gonna stay too long.

I just wanna say hello

In front of you, not on the phone.

Yes, I’m fine, but how are you?

I’m glad that you’re feeling good

And I hope this is the truth

Cause I know what you’ve been through.

Yes, of course, yes, yes, no, yes..

My turn, do you take your meds?

Oh, that’s clever, so I guess

You don’t wanna see your grands,

Cause you’re gonna have to wait,

Just ten years, keep the faith.

I was busy, so I didn’t,

I don’t know, I think last year;

I know that I have a sister..

That’s enough. Ok. Now listen:

I hope I will see you all

Happy like we were before

When you were green and full of love

And I was just a little fuck.

Excuse me. Bye. I’m hanging up.

Wait for me

I like your dreams about tomorrow

It lights our nights, it gives us power

To keep hanging on each other,

But sometimes you seem to be

Too much far, please wait for me.

You always say I am the one,

But I don’t know who you are.

I’m in love right here, right now

So I don’t know how will be,

If you do, please wait for me.

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

Cool shit (experiment)

*(electro music)

This is radio?

This is shit!

Where’s the feeling from the beat?

Tell me that I am old school,

But listen to my childhood tool:

*(guitar solo)

Yeah, that’s right, you pay attention,

You liked my little demonstration

And now you have two ways to go,

Turn this off or rock your soul!

Your girl has gone, you are alone,

You drive yourself into unknown;

Don’t be stupid and accept,

Life is better now she’s left!

Close your eyes and feel the wind

Through your hair and through your skin;

To the twisted world you live

Raise that finger and believe

Just in music, hopes and dreams!

Life is short, so spread your wings!

intrebare: ar trebui stearsa? :)

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

The 40's show

Don't forget to take your meds,
Don't forget to brush your teeth,
Don't forget to pay your rents,
Don't forget to feed your kids.

Like your dad you have control
Makind from routine your goal.
You're too old to believe in love
Like you are plenty on the globe.

You don't smoke pot, but you drink beer
To legally calm your inner fear,
That when your final will be near,
Nobody will share a tear.

sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2011

Just for fun

this is gold.