duminică, 16 octombrie 2011


Today I'm gonna spend my time
Reading books and drinking wine
Leaving all the stress behind.

I don't feel the need to pray
I already know my way
And the price that should be paid.

Late at night I'm calling her,
In the dark she screams for more,
The sunrise caught us making love.

miercuri, 10 august 2011


Daca pamantul se poate imbina cu marea si marea cu cerul, iar peste toate sufla vantul, ateii sunt niste fraieri.


Despre prieteni: Sunt putini si nu-s perfecti, dar mereu au fost prezenti.

duminică, 7 august 2011


Si au trait fericiti pana a gasit pe alta.

sâmbătă, 6 august 2011


Da si mie o tigara. O faci pentru sanatatea ta.

vineri, 5 august 2011


Sportul meu preferat e cacarea de dimineata...

joi, 4 august 2011


Pe prietenii care au o problema ii ajutam sau le bem sangele. Niciodata nu ramanem indiferenti.

marți, 2 august 2011


Vrei o relatie stabila? Cumpara-ti un caine.


Da ma, berea e sanatoasa. De asta ai tatele mai mari ca ale lu gagica-ta.

luni, 1 august 2011


Sa cauti fete de treaba in baruri e ca si cum ai cauta vitamine la un dealer de droguri.

Melodia zilei:

miercuri, 20 iulie 2011


I'm in!

Restul e istorie...

marți, 7 iunie 2011


The birds have wings

And I have dreams

That stops me falling on my knees

Is not that easy as it seems

But I'll release the fucking beast

And I'll respect my own believes,

'Cause only then I'll find the peace.

My eyes are shining in the dark,

The will to live is all I've got

There's no one who can make me stop,

To raise the bar and cut the crap

Doing everything I want...

At first it was a little thought

And now I make it a true fact.

If the fear kills the soul,

What the fuck we're waiting for?

I don't wanna grow old

With regrets and things untold

Covering the empty hole

With the hate that starts a war,

Living like an average Joe.

sâmbătă, 21 mai 2011


I smell your weakness and it stinks,
You hit the bottom of those drinks,
And nothing changed, except your dreams,
The sins were crushed your fucking wings,
So you became just like that freaks
That you were hated when we're kids.

Scris la plictiseala. Daca vrea cineva s-o continue, e invitatul meu.

duminică, 10 aprilie 2011

Phone call

Hi mom, I’m coming home,

I ain’t gonna stay too long.

I just wanna say hello

In front of you, not on the phone.

Yes, I’m fine, but how are you?

I’m glad that you’re feeling good

And I hope this is the truth

Cause I know what you’ve been through.

Yes, of course, yes, yes, no, yes..

My turn, do you take your meds?

Oh, that’s clever, so I guess

You don’t wanna see your grands,

Cause you’re gonna have to wait,

Just ten years, keep the faith.

I was busy, so I didn’t,

I don’t know, I think last year;

I know that I have a sister..

That’s enough. Ok. Now listen:

I hope I will see you all

Happy like we were before

When you were green and full of love

And I was just a little fuck.

Excuse me. Bye. I’m hanging up.

Wait for me

I like your dreams about tomorrow

It lights our nights, it gives us power

To keep hanging on each other,

But sometimes you seem to be

Too much far, please wait for me.

You always say I am the one,

But I don’t know who you are.

I’m in love right here, right now

So I don’t know how will be,

If you do, please wait for me.

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

Cool shit (experiment)

*(electro music)

This is radio?

This is shit!

Where’s the feeling from the beat?

Tell me that I am old school,

But listen to my childhood tool:

*(guitar solo)

Yeah, that’s right, you pay attention,

You liked my little demonstration

And now you have two ways to go,

Turn this off or rock your soul!

Your girl has gone, you are alone,

You drive yourself into unknown;

Don’t be stupid and accept,

Life is better now she’s left!

Close your eyes and feel the wind

Through your hair and through your skin;

To the twisted world you live

Raise that finger and believe

Just in music, hopes and dreams!

Life is short, so spread your wings!

intrebare: ar trebui stearsa? :)

miercuri, 6 aprilie 2011

The 40's show

Don't forget to take your meds,
Don't forget to brush your teeth,
Don't forget to pay your rents,
Don't forget to feed your kids.

Like your dad you have control
Makind from routine your goal.
You're too old to believe in love
Like you are plenty on the globe.

You don't smoke pot, but you drink beer
To legally calm your inner fear,
That when your final will be near,
Nobody will share a tear.

sâmbătă, 2 aprilie 2011

Just for fun

this is gold.

duminică, 27 martie 2011

Asa, de dimineata:

duminică, 13 martie 2011

joi, 10 martie 2011


Sa va ia dracu pe toti,
E mai bine in chiloti.
Nu-ntelegi fiindca nu poti,
Mastile sa ti le scoti.

Nu traiesc in viitor
Si nu vreau sa ma cobor,
Cu tine sa ma masor,
Sa tin pasul pana mor.

Mai bine privesc absent
Timpul ce se scurge lent,
Profitand doar de moment,
In extreme permanent.

miercuri, 9 martie 2011


Falling down in yesterday,
My believe is runaway.
It is hard to kill the pain
Of the sins I can't repair.

My ashtray heart is full of ash,
My empty eyes don't want to watch
All the moments that I've crashed.
I hope tears maybe will wash
All the things that I had touch.

Radio shit

The town is there for us,
We're gonna hit the buzz.
When the sun is going down,
Tomorrow may not come,
So tonight is all that counts.

You're the one who makes me feel
So damn good that is obscene.
Come on now and play with with me,
Let your spirit to be free,
Don't think too much, just let it be.


Nu imi doresc, ca am deja,
Iti multumesc ca esti a mea.
Un singur lucru eu regret:
Timpul trece si te pierd.

Zi de zi te strang la piept,
Dar nu pot sa inteleg,
Relativul eu il neg,
N-as concepe sa te pierd.

Din clipa ce se-nvarte-n cerc,
As pastra doar un moment
Care l-as numi prezent,
Fericit ca nu te pierd.

M-as simti apoi absent
In perfectul imperfect
Si m-as pregati sa plec,
De teama sa nu ma pierd.

duminică, 6 martie 2011

La caterinca

Ma duc in jos,
Te iau cu mine,
Desi doar in amintire,
Cand intunericul se lasa
Ma arunc de la fereastra.

Ma apropii de asfalt
Cu intentii serioase,
Care acum imi par dubioase.
Ochii ii belesc la stele,
Traind sfarsitul vietii mele.

Ceva se aude, face poc;
Eu sunt ala si sunt mort.
M-am trezit peste o luna,
Fara dinti, cu schije-n pula.


When i see your face
In a crowded place
I just turn away ,
I can't manage the pain.

Your broken smile
Instantly freeze my spine
The memories become alive,
You were the reason of my life.

It's just the way it is,
The scars of wounded wings.
I hope the time will crash the feeling
Healing up my broken spirit.

sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011


My youth is not for sale,
I don't need you to fuck my brain,
I have my way to kill the pain,
My way to joy or get ashamed.
Don't bother 'cause you try in vain,
Go find another waste of skin.

I love the rush that runs my vein
Even if it's not the same.
With you it's hard to brake the chain,
Chasing dragons day by day.
I know the lesson by the way,
I saw my friend get killed today
By the poison called cocaine.


As da orice sa iti vad fata
In oglinda dimineata,
Sa ai riduri de regret,
Ca zi de zi te stingi incet.

Teama te cuprinde,
Ramai fara cuvinte,
Cand in fata mortii
Vidul te inghite.

Cu pasi marunti
Incerci sa lupti
Sa iesi dintre decazuti.

Iti pui un zambet dar e stramb,
Iti taie cheful drumul lung
De a-ndrepta ce-a fost demult
Si-ti lasi privirea in pamant
Gandindu-te ca e absurd
Sa o iei de la-nceput.

joi, 3 martie 2011

La pomana

ob (o baba): te superi daca-ti zic ceva?
x: spune-ti
ob: e pacat sa nu mananci...
alta baba: plus ca e deja platita
x: vedeti-va va rog de farfuria si de pacatele dumneavoastra.
ob: ne face sa ne simtitm si noi prost daca nu mananci. Suntem un grup doar si..
x: sunt flatat
ob: de ce?
x: fiindca v-am facut sa simtiti ceva, ceea ce daca ma gandesc ca poate fi printre ultima voastra traire, ma infioara si ma face sa ma simt viu
o cioara: nenea, da si mie un pachet..
x: dute-n pizda matii!

marți, 15 februarie 2011


Ma simt bine in pielea mea,
Dar pielea ta ma atrage.
Doar o zi daca as putea,
In tine m-as retrage.

As invata sa privesc lumea
Prin ochii tai albastrii,
M-as privi cum ma privesti tu
Sa stiu cum ma percep altii.

As reveni la loc apoi
Nepasator ca timpul,
Care ramane neschimbat
Vazut in mii de chipuri.


M-am saturat de tine si de voi,
Maimutele lumii noi.
M-am saturat sa mint,
Sa ma prefac ca n-am venin,
Ca totu-i dulce si senin
Cand e acru si senil;
Sa ma prefac sanatos
Cand inauntru sunt hidos;
Sa rad la glume de prost gust,
Sa venerez acelasi bust,
Sa am un zambet pus pe fata
Cand mie de fapt mi-e greata;
Sa incerc sa va fiu pe plac
Doar ca sa ma simt acceptat
Intr-o lume de... tot rasul,
In care te-apuca plansul.

Dedicat lui P.Al.

Dintr-o cafea

Astazi stau in fata lui si trist imi beau cafeaua,
Imi amintesc un zambet larg acoperit cu palma.
Nu ma lasai sa te surprind in sacra-ti goliciune,
Fercicirea o considerai moment de slabiciune.

Ti-am spus ca te iubesc dar nu era nevoie
Si ma uram din suflet ca timpul nu-mi da voie.
Te-ai ridicat, cu sarmul tau plin de stangacie,
Iar eu ma amageam ca te voi vedea si maine.

Momentul a trecut, iar zambetul e altul,
Ranjeste obscen la mine, insa intorc capul.
Pe al tau il vad doar din intamplare,
Schitat timid spre un oarecare.

sâmbătă, 8 ianuarie 2011


Intr-o lume de orbi lumina e cel mai obscen lucru de promis 
Celor ce vor trai fara compromis,
De catre cei ce omit ca au orbit cu buna stiinta lumea,
Care uita sa deschida ochii, pierzand lumina dupa care alearga de cand lumea.


Becul ii lumineaza mintea-nghetata:
Prejudecatile stralucesc ca o de pret mostenire.
Indoiala si-o soarbe din ultima tigrara,
Mastile asteapta sa devina o masca;
El vrea sa-ncerce.

Plasticul vietii ii surade tentant
Globul de sticla in care multi au intrat;
Se uita la parinti si nu-i intelege.
Pe zi ce trece, visul devine tabu
Aripile tineretii transformandu-se-n scrum.

O lacrima cade, dar un rictus se naste…
Peretii sunt martorii regasirii,
Panza e alba ca la-nceput.
Viata ii curge puternic in vene,
Teama si-a stins-o pe piele.